- Capturing the worldly, global, and futuristic vibe of New York City and inspired by the dashing diversity of New York's theater and dance, Tribal Fusion NYC offers instruction in the popular genre of Tribal Fusion bellydance sparkling with the vibrant urgency of the great metropolis. Created by NYC-based star soloist and instructor Darshan, the program blends the timeless aesthetics of bellyda
A vital feature of the program is an open-level dance workout designed to condition the body while reviewing the basics of bellydance technique and freestyle dance movement. Darshan emphasizes optimal carriage and alignment, and aims at conditioning the muscle groups that produce ease, effortlessness and precision in bellydance movement. The workout section includes Darshan's signature torso articulation drills and the upper body flexibility and articulation that makes Tribal Fusion style so di stinct.
In the instructional section of the DVD, Darshan introduces an emphasis on styling and expression, as she teaches pacing, restraint, and projecting the mystique of the dance. Darshan teaches four combinations step-by-step and the demonstrates them in one dance sequence easy to follow for practice. The combinations let you explore different substyles of Tribal Fusion Bellydance:
Combination 1: Contemporary Tribal Fusion
Combination 2: Tribalesque
Combination 3: World Tribal Fusion (adding a salsa/samba flair to Tribal Fusion)
Combination 4 is offered as a pattern for a contemporary-flair wide-stance switch transition that can be used between combinations.
List Price: $ 18.99 Price: $ 9.98
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